Bike storage in Paris at Blue Marble

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A chance find

bluemarbleLeaving our bikes had never figured in my imagination about how this trip would pan out, until Sue suggested it might be an option. Quickly she found Blue Marble and after a couple of emails it was all booked. Simple.
After our arrival in Paris, a couple of unfortunate punctures and a very unfortunate navigational error – our only one on the whole trip – we rolled up to Blue Marble to find a very cheery, helpful bunch of people, eager to sort out bikes out whilst giving us friendly advice on where to eat or more importantly drink, how to get back to our accommodation using the easiest cheapest method possible. They couldn’t have been more helpful.
Leaving your bikes in Paris is such a great idea and Blue Marble made this so easy for us.

We ended up paying 13 euros for the 24 hours we needed, well worth the money in my opinion.

GPX file for route from Eiffel Tower to Blue Marble bike storage.
GPX file for route from Blue Marble to Gare Saint Lazarre for train to Caen.

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